Aunt Tasha was home from college for a day, so of course she spent some quality time with her nephews!
Shiney lurves his aunti, and she loves him too!
She says she doesn't like Trophy, just cause Trophy's not a real border collie, but she's lieing. Aunt Tasha loves Trophy too.
I mean seriously, how could you hate this face? Altho leave it to my sister to hate a dog just because he's not a border collie....
And there's my heart-dog looking super cute to make up for his absence from tuesday's update.
More snuggling with Aunti
Just in time for Halloween, it's vampire dog!
Then Aunti got very cold, so we had Operation Thermalcore and inlisted our best troops to warm her up.
Now on a different subject, all the snarling Koda has been doing at Trophy, my bright little pup has picked up on. He now thinks it is proper to greet people by snarling, or rather "smiling", at them. Unfortunatly, while it is SUPER CUTE, it has prooven impossible to capture in a photograph: see!
I need an operation thermal core once in a while!