Now don't go requesting things all the time, it cramps my style. But this request i couldn't turn down because 1) it was from my best friend and 2) it was for my favorite dog. Yes i have a favorite. Shhh don't tell.
He goes by many names, Qwill, Mr. Q, Qwillyman but he's just a heart breaker. look, look into those amber eyes and just TRY to tell him he's not beautiful, go on, look:
I just love his mis-matched ears, don't you?
Especially when he's playing coy
Incase you're wondering, Q doesn't tilt his head. I believe it is because he's so smart he doesn't have to try to understand me, he just does.
This next set of photographs have been unedited as i wanted to show you teh crap i have to go thru to get individual portraits with my 3. It started out that i wanted a picture of Qwill looking up.
But of course Shiner thought I wanted high-fives, and since Shiner is KING of high-fives (what are you going to do, it's his only trick) he had to step in and show Qwill how a master does it.
And then Trophy, king of the GOOFUSES decided that all this attention on his brothers was totally UN-cool, so he dive-bombed the whole proceding.
Trophy attackes make Shiner even MORE emo.
And all of that, dear blog readers, causes Q to take a page out of Shiner's book and pout. Because not only was everyone else (including Koda's TAIL of all things) stealing his spotlight, i had the audacity to focus on the jax toy in this shot.
and then he wouldn't even look at me when i tried to appologize.
don't worry Q, you're still my favorite.
YAY Q! (must have more now :-D)