Sunday, January 18

The Tail of Beetle the Bard Part 2

Most of yesterday was spent transporting Beetle to his new foster home in Michigan thanks to Shellie, and Kim's neighbor who lent the use of her vehicle. Beetle is now settling into his new "home". This video made me cry over how quickly he can cope, not because i wanted to act all pouty and depressed, but because i'm very glad he can adjust to new surroundings. He is going to become a beautiful citizen with a little bit of training and a forever home who can give him the chance he deserves. Without further ado. Posted with permission.

My dogs are finally getting back to normal. Qwill is thrilled i won't have another dog around me all the time getting in the way of his snuggles. :)


  1. Hello there I am Mason Dixie, and I must say sounds like you have a very happening place with all those pups, cats and other things. Stop by and say hi sometime. =)

  2. Beetle is a keeper by the looks of it!

  3. Hi Qwill,

    Just stopping by to say hello. I am doing a feature on my blog called 'Sriengs of Friendship A-Z"'
    There aren't mamy 'Q' so I picked you. Hope you don't mind & coulkd we be friends.

    Love Mona

  4. I came ovew fwom Mona and the Mommy , so nice to meet you..I love youw thweebootiful dogs and I think it's faboolous that you awe helping so many othews find fuwwevew homes
    love and smoochie kisses

  5. Hi there guys! Mona talked about you guys so we thought why not drop by & say hello. Well, hello!

    Butt wiggles,
    Solid Gold Dancer


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