Monday, November 3

Happy Fall!

This weekend we all fell back, causing much distress to my sleep schedule as Trophy woke me up at 7:30, instead of 8:30!
In other news, it is wonderful to see fall in Ohio again, the leaves turning bright beautiful colors and Trophy having an absolute BALL chasing the falling leaves all over the place.
I did manage to get them all to sit still, even for just a few moments without their long lines to get a picture or two.


Then Koda saw Cruiser (our neighbor's outside cat) streak across the back yard and he was GONE. My boys didn't even blink, even the pup remained in a stock-still stay (heh, checkout my alleteration!) until i snapped a few pictures of the three of them, reclipped the leads to trophy and shiner, and then went to lay the smack down on a certain chubby dog who thinks stay means "the human doesn't care what i do, and i don't care what the human thinks, period".
I'll leave the link to the larger version of this image so you can see the subtle details i know are lacking from the shrunk-down version.

Snow's just around the corner, and i promise, promise, PROMISE i will have my camera ready for Trophy and Shiner's first snow day!

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