Saturday, July 18

This is not a good week for me.

Trophy is very sick. He keeps throwing up, and has been throwing up since monday - once a day every day the only exception is the one day i fasted him he did not throw up, but threw up 7 hours after his breakfast of rice the next day.

Took him to the vet, who suggested x-rays with his history of eating everything under the sun. Altho i didn't think it was a blockage as he's still WANTING to eat EVERYTHING. Mom said he's also still pooping, which points to no blockage. X-rays showed nothing anyway, but he woke me up to more vomit this morning, even tho i fasted him again last night.

At this point I'm insanely worried about him. he got a small breakfast of rice and 3 ounces of canned Quail meat (ingredients: quail, water for processing). So far he hasn't thrown up again, but he usually throws up between 1-3pm after his breakfast.

UGH! I do not need to lose my dog (who was my grandpa's favorite dog, btw) a mear week after losing my grandpa. I'm going crazy over here!!! :(



  1. We hope you can figure out what is happening with Trophy and he will get better ASAP!

  2. I am so vewy sowwy to heaw that Twophy is so ill.
    IT must be vewy stwessful fow you..I am so sad that this is happening. I pway that they find out what is wong and he can get help and wecovew
    smoochie kisses

  3. Poor Trophy. We're sending our prayers.

    Lots of treats,
    Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker


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