(ETA: BLOGGER ATE PARTS OF MY POST EARLIER, I FIXED IT ALL UP NOW, THERE WAS ONE CUTE PIC OF SHINER THAT WAS RE-ADDED)I was totally kidding. besides after last weeks recall disaster the boys are on a tight watch and a short leash outside, so i don't have a lot to take pictures OF. After all, i don't want to bore you with millions of cookie cutter pictures, now do i? Besides, the boys were less than thrilled during this session anyway...

It took about 50 treats just to get Shiner to look at the darn camera.

Shiner says: "haaaeeeeey ladith!"

This picture explains why Koda has taken a sudden "liking" to Shiner. Poor boy, he just send out all sorts of gay vibes.
"Hey sweetie, you come here often?"

"Why don't you come over and snuggle wiff me?"

...as you can see Shiner is less than thrilled, but Koda just won't take no for an answer.
I guess i can't really blame him, how can anyone resist that face?

even when he's being snotty and emo he's cute.

Trophy, on the other hand, totally knows how to woo the ladies.

too bad he doesn't know any ladies.... whoops, apparently he didn't know that.

(It's because he has a giraffe neck)

And mouse ears.

apparently he didn't know that either.. Sorry Troph, don't pout long, your lips are droopy enough already.

Want to hear a secret? I hate Koda's ears.

But I love Trophy's.

I love Qwill's ears too.

Who am I kidding? I love all of Qwill! :)

Koda has lost 3.5lbs in the past two weeks! He's already feeling much happier!

Now for a game of fetch! Koda doesn't like sharing

mostly his tactic is to out-run his opponents.

other times he'll take the long way 'round and practice avoidance

becuase when Qwill gets the duck, it really irks him and he becomes a toy Nazi.

And when the other three and playing, this is his usual stance:

The self-proclaimed "fun police"

Today he tried playing tug with the others... but it didn't last long and he went all snarky and i had to tell him off.


leave the playing to those that know how:

like this shark here... ... ...on second though Koda's sharky/snarky enough on his own. Pay no attention to this shark here.

How about a community dance instead? The hokey pokey? Or maybe it was simon says?

Doesn't matter, back to tug. until next
week time!