Poor Zeus (my cat) is sick and refusing food unless it's hand fed, or in today's case, stolen from the hedgehogs (which is cat food). He stole the food right out onto the bed with Trophy sitting right there. Trophy was excited, he saw his plan laid out in his head and then...
"Oh snap. Hai mom"

"Wow dat looks mah-ty tastee!"

"It shoore smellz mah-ty tastee too"

"Wood u shar some wiff me, small-fluffy-not-dog-mister?"

"Wai u walks way wiff out answerin' me?"

"Shurly he woodent mind if i had jus one"

"Is so close, maibe i cans just tri a widdle bit?"

"Wuzn't me! Wuz Qwill... yeah, yeah, Qwill!"

"Wuz onli trin' to helps"

"Why u not let me clean up mess small non-dog made?"

after two more attempts to get my anorexic (but healthy! according to all the tests) cat to eat a bit more i released him to ready the sleep space for sleeping: OK Trophy!
"YES! U bestest mom evar!"