ok, i did it. I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but yes.... i started a dog blog for my photos. Don't shoot me, i'm doing it out of wub. I mean, who can resist their photogenic faces?
Let's meet the cast of characters:
This is Qwill.

He's my main man. The first dog of my very own. He's also the Favorite, and he knows it too. He was rescued from CCPAL in Bandera, TX on September 15, 2007. We're getting close to one year! Qwill has hip dysplasia in both hips, but you'd never tell it just by looking at him!
Qwill has many names: Mr. Q, Qwilly, and Plume Tail. He is about 3 years old.
This is Shiner.

Shiner is my emo dog. He's not always sad, as i managed to catch him with a rather attentive look on his face. Shiner was rescued from the Waco pound by Ruff Mutt Border Collie Rescue in Garland, TX before i fell in love with him and brought him home on February 17, 2008. X-rays reveiled that Shiner had suffered major trauma in his past life (most likely being struck by a car) and has several fractures to the left side of his hip resulting in hip dysplasia, a slight limp, and a funny tail set. He doesn't let it slow him down. At only 36lbs, Shiner is slightly older than Qwill but i still call him my emo puppy!
Shiner also goes by: Shiney, emo dog, emo puppy.
Ah, the holy terror himself: Apostrophy!

Going mostly by "Trophy" this little pup has wormed his way into my heart. The "almost border collie" Trophy is a Australian Cattle Dog/Lab mix. He was born May 10, 2008 and at 3 1/2 months old has turned the lives of my BC's upside down. We all love him tho, who can resist puppy eyes?
The other cast of characters:

Daisy may soon be leaving out little troupe, as her mom doesn't want her to go with my boys when we move out in just under 1 week, but more on that to come. Daisy is a lab/chow mix nearly 2. She and Qwill have been best friends since they laid eyes on each other.
Daisy also goes by Doodle and "THE BANANA!"

Koda is my sister's dog. He will soon be a much bigger part of the story as i am moving home to Ohio and in with Koda and my family. More updates to follow, i'm off to work.