I become more torn about B's future everyday.
On the one hand, I'm still saving money up to get his hips x-rayed. He is not limping profoundly like he was a few weeks ago, but he does favor one rear leg.
On the other hand, he gets along so well with all my dogs! Even Toady!! When my sister came back home this weekend i was
very nervous that B would relapse and we'd have a fight on our hands, but B didn't really notice. Not to say he doesn't have any snarky moments (oh, he does) but he's easily corrected.
*sigh* fostering and foster failing are difficult endeavors :)
On to the photos! (my sister took all of the frisbee shots, so don't blame me if you don't like them. lol)

As if we had any doubts he was all border collie

The very first throw i did today was really high and ended in Koda jumping over Baxter with the bottoms of his toes over 3 feet off the ground. It was awesome to witness, but of course it wasn't captured on film and i think Koda scared himself as this was all the airtime he got after that.

ah well. at least he cought it.

unlike some dogs i know

Qwill's only frisbee chase today. I told him off for being so mean to Trophy today and so he pouted mostly, but did chase this roller.

Doesn't Koda look good? Much better from overweight dog who was pulling out all of his hair last year. We finally have his food and grass allergies under control!

A glimpse "behind scenes". Notice Shiner grazing in the background. I'm surprised Qwill isn't grazing either. They both think they're cows! Oh, and Hi! That's me in the midst of my canine chaos! :)

Shiner and his aunt. Think he's do this for me? not a chance!

He even looks content.

If i did that to him he's be out of his mind in terror. Since i am the devil in disguise to him. *sigh*